Dashboard Control Tips and Tricks
Buttons and Bookmarks One of the really cool thing you can do in Power BI is make your dashboards interactive, allowing the user to control the slicer selections and the pages they see using buttons. You do this using 'Bookmarks' which are a saved state of all or part of your report. Consider this very simple example where we have two tables, one with FSM data and one with EAL and we want button controls to determine which is visible. The first step is to go the View ribbon and show the Selection Pane (which lists all the elements on the current page) and the Bookmarks pane. As you can see our two tables are both called 'Table' so the first thing we need to do is sort that out. In the format menu of the visuals click to show their title and give them a name. You can then hide the title again if you don't want it visible on the page, in the selection pane they are now listed under their title. Next to each item in the selection pane is an eye ...