Subject - Class - Pupil Table
One of the really powerful features of BI is being able to drill very quickly from the macro picture to the micro. To help schools do this with assessment results I've recently been working on this table showing subject, class and pupil level results (p2 of the report below). You can download the PBI file here , the class information looks like this In a previous post I described concatenating studentid and subject to link classes, assessments and students, but that's not actually best practice - you can do it more simply with this setup I created the Subjects table using Dax (create table on the modelling tab). The formula is Subjects = DISTINCT(AssessmentResults[Subject]). It gives a one column table with each distinct value of subject. Note that here it is assumed that StudentClasses[Subject] isn't always the same AssessmentResults[Subject], as for example English Classes will often have English Literature Results. To handle...