Absence Reporting
A colleague recently asked me if I could produce this in BI: This is a classic example of when schools resort to using Excel as very often in an MIS you would need to run/filter several reports to get the breakdown of each group. To do this I first downloaded the most recent national data from the DfE and then did some copy and pasting in Excel to put it into usable form. You can download my file here , it looks like this: (As far as I know, there isn't a standard DfE data feed that can pull this data automatically - please tell me if I'm wrong about this!) OK so I imported this national data into BI and called it AbsenceGroups I use the following measures to work out pupil absence and persistent absence (see the previous post for more details on Persistent): Absences = sumx(StudentAttendances,if(or(StudentAttendances[MarkMeaning]="U",StudentAttendances[MarkMeaning]="A"),1,0))/sumx(StudentAttendances,if(StudentAttendances[MarkMeani...