Scatter Plot with National Data

The other day someone asked me on twitter if I could do this in BI.

This is a scatter plot of pupil attainment data. It has KS2 on the x axis, current/predicted/whatever on the y axis and a line showing some measure of national performance. His line comes from a different graph underneath the scatterplot and his issue is the axes don't quite line up - so he wants to know if I can sort it. The answer is not exactly, but the journey’s pretty interesting so I’m going to walk through what I did, even though I’ll admit at the start we won’t end up with the exact target visual.

Get the Data

You can download my pbix to follow along with here. I’ve used a dummy result set with a student table including KS2 Results (average KS2 is used so we only need one value per student). My results follow a pretty common format of Result Type, Subject, Year and Term.

To get the national data I googled ‘transition matrices’ and got to here on (pro tip: the ODS files have less protection so are less hassle then the Excel versions).

The file looks like this which is what’s known in the trade as a right f*£&!ng state. 

This needs sorting out before it’s useful in BI. You could spend the time getting BI or a macro to sort this data out for you from the get go, but for that to be a worthwhile investment you’re gambling on the format remaining unchanged in subsequent years which isn’t a great bet where DfE spreadsheets are concerned. I split the difference, tidying it up a bit in Excel then doing the rest in Power Query (PQ) which is the program within a program you get when you click ‘Edit Queries’ on the Home ribbon in BI. This is what my import from Excel looks like and this is similar to the table my questioner wanted to combine with his internal student data in a single scatter plot.

Rethinking the Data Model

A mistake I made a lot when starting out in BI and that I think my questioner is making too is saying ‘here’s my data model, where can I find a visual that works with it?’ In this, and most other, cases it’s more fruitful to ask, ‘how does my data need to change so that the visuals show me what I want to see?’

What we want to do here is, for a given pupil (and therefore a given value of the x axis of our scatter), compare two y values – ie have two series of y value data – one with the internal results and one with the national comparison. The table we want in BI would therefore look like this:
Result Type
National Expectation

In lots of schools a target grade based on national performance will exist in the system and can provide this role already, but I’m going to cover how to turn the Transition Matrix data into such a grade if it’s not already there and the techniques for how to this in Power Query (PQ) will probably come in handy, even if you don’t need them in this specific instance.

Transform your data in PQ

Everything we’re doing here could be done in Power BI using calculated columns, but when you’re changing the base data of your model, especially over large tables like results it’s better to use PQ because calculated columns take up computer resources that could otherwise make your BI file work faster. (In particular if you find it takes a long time to create/save measures a likely culprit is the number/complexity of your calculated columns).

So to load PQ click Edit Queries on the home ribbon. 

We’re going to start with our transition data which I tidied up in Excel, click on 'New Source' and Excel to bring it into PQ. It looks like this:

First up, click Use First Row as Headers if it hasn’t recognised your header row (numbers as column headings will often throw it). Because we in some cases want to consider the value not the grade, change ‘U’ to 0.

The next thing we want to do is get all the thing we’re interested in (the pupil numbers) into a single column (on spreadsheets it's as easy to look across rows as down columns, in databases you tend to do searches/comparisons within columns). Do this by ctrl clicking subject and KS2 attainment columns, then on the Transform ribbon, clicking ‘Unpivot other columns’ 

you should then get this.

Rename the Attribute and Value columns as Grade and Pupils. Now you need to decide what national value you want. A common choice would be the most likely grade, in my questioner's sample data he has the mean grade value. We’ll go through how to get either.

Most likely grade

To get the MLG we need to highlight our subject and KS2 attainment columns again and click Group by from the Home tab. 

In the options that come up chose to add the Max value of the Pupils column as MaxPups. Then choose to add ‘All Rows’ as an aggregated column with the aggregation ‘All Rows’ (which gives you a nested table). 

Click OK, then expand the All Rows column using the arrows in the column heading and choose the Grade and Pupils columns. You’re then back where you were before the Group By operation but with an extra column showing the maximum number of pupils for a grade for each KS2 value. 

Now go to the Add Column ribbon and add a conditional column to give a value of one where All Rows.Pupils = MaxPups. 

Filter to these rows which contain the MLG

Mean Grade Value

To get the MGV you go through slightly different steps after the unpivot step. First we need to right click our grade column and change its type to whole number so we can do maths with it. Next go the Add Column ribbon and add a custom column to multiply the number of students by the grade value.

Now you want to highlight the Subject and Prior Attainment columns and click Group By but the Group By settings will be slightly different as you don’t need the all rows nested table, just the sum of Pupils and GradexPupils. 

Now add another column dividing SumGxP by SumPupils and that’s your Mean Grade Value.

Merge Values with internal results

So now we have a query that has subjects, KS2 values and either the MLG or the MGV. We now need to merge these with our internal results to create a national expectation result for every internal one we have. This is a two step process as we need to first look up the KS2 average of the student then use that to lookup the national value. Lookups in PQ use a process called merge.

Select the query that contains your internal results and choose ‘Merge as new’ from the Home ribbon. Merge it with your students table (or whereever you have your KS2 data), using a left outer join on Studentid.

Expand the merged student table to add KS2.

Now we’re going to merge the newly created query (which will be called Merge1) with the national values from our earlier query. Before we do that though you need to check your subjects match up. I’ve got internal grades for “English” but national values for “English Language”. So I’m going to pop back to my TransData query, highlight the subject column and use ‘Replace Values’ from the Transform ribbon to change “English Language” to match my internal data.

Now back to Merge1 which we’re going to merge with Transdata (no need to merge as new this time as we already have the new query to store the merged results). This time we need to merge on 2 values, Subject and KS2 attainment, so use ctrl click for the second values.

Now use replace values to change the Result Type of the national values to ‘National Expectation’. If you had multiple result types in your source data, after doing this use ‘Remove Duplicates’ from the Remove Rows menu on the Home ribbon so you’re left with just one National Expectation row for each subject/year/term you have an internal result.
Now we want to combine our National Expectation data with our internal data. So this means deleting the ‘Points’ and ‘KS2’ Columns and renaming the national value column as points. Now that they have the same number of columns, use ‘Append Queries’ on the Home ribbon to add the rows from Results to the Merge1 query.

That’s the data sorted in PQ – a pretty long walk for a result you might get straight out of your MIS, but as I said at the start the PQ techniques are v handy for BI and sorting out your data upstream is more optimal than doing in BI itself.

Manage relationships of the Model

Our Model is very simple – a students table with KS2 data on it and a merged table with internal results and national expectations. For our scatter graph to work though we need to identify students by their results and that means our results table has to filter our students table as well as vice versa.
So on the relationships screen there needs to be a relationship between these tables and the filter direction should go both ways

Make the Scatter

Now the model is sorted making the scatter is easy. Click to add the Scatter visual from Visualisations. Add the StudentId from Merge1 to Details. Add KS2 Points as the x Value and use the drop down to change the summarisation to average. (It’s important to use an aggregated numerical value here rather than the KS2 Level as that gives us the option of adding a trend line). Add the average of Points from Merge 1 as the Y value.

Add a Trend Line

To add a line through the national expectation values, go to the Analysis properties of the visual, expand Trend line, add a trendline and then untick ‘Combine Series’. (if you don't have the option to add a trend line, check that your KS2 / X axis values are numeric)

You get a line of best fit through the internal results and the national expectations, like this:
So it’s not exactly the brief, but it’s as close I can get BI to make it. Please comment below if you can suggest improvements.

Follow Up

For various reasons scatter graphs should be used with caution for this kind of purpose - I'm going to wrap up this post but I'll post about what to watch out for, and how to get the most out of them soon. 


  1. Great article. It's really helped me see how I'm going to adapt the data in our school.

    Managed the graph in Tableau, then saw the pricing!


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